An app for managing money in poker games.I created this app in 2023, and it is soon to be released on the Google Play store.
Skills used: React Native, Google Play Console.
Alarms Plus
An alarm app for deep sleepers.This app was created in 2023. You can download it on Google Play.
Skills used: React Native, Android Native Development, Google Play Console.
A script that takes widescreen videos and reformats them in combination with another video to be reposted on TikTok.Skills used: Python, OpenCV.
Roobet Crash Bot
A bot that automatically bets and cashes out for the Roobet Crash betting mode.Skills used: Python, Selenium.
Julia/Mandelbrot Set Plotter
Programmed using fragment shaders and an escape time algorithm.Skills used: C++, SFML, shader programming.
Ray Tracer
A program that renders scenes using ray tracing.
Debate Card Manager
A web app that I made to manage online debate cards without having a bunch of tabs open.Skills used: Javascript, HTML, CSS.
Prepd Article Catcher
A bot that automatically fetched articles for my debate team and stored them in the offline article viewer Prepd.Skills used: Python, Selenium.
DLA Simulation
This program simulates the sticking of particles in a process called diffusion-limited aggregation.
An implimentation of Craig Reynold's boids.